Blog - Carolina Pediatric Therapy

Say No to Clutter

Written by Dairen Wilcox | Nov 5, 2014 3:50:32 PM

Is it just me or do you “feel the clutter” more in the Fall and Winter months? With school back in session you have the added book bags, coats and piles of shoes at the door. Not to mention if your children play sports or are involved in extracurricular activities, your laundry piles up too! There is hope parents! You can say NO to clutter this season. There are just a couple simple steps I like to follow in order to keep clutter down. (And with having a toddler and infant in the house it’s not always easy – I know!)

One of the steps I take to minimize clutter is keeping my home clean. Something about knowing my home is clean makes me feel at ease – and call me crazy but I feel “clear-minded”. My house is not always spotless and yes I totally step on Lego blocks and scream (most intense pain ever) – but I know that the environment the ones I love are in is well, clean.

To help maintain a clean home I have set myself a “cleaning schedule”. Every day I wipe down all surfaces. That includes, kitchen and bathroom counters, coffee tables, bar, dinner table. I also “spot vacuum” everyday – I know all you mama’s with toddlers feel me on that! Gold fish here, leftover half of peanut butter cracker over here – smashed into a million pieces.

On Monday’s, I focus on the children’s room. Changing their sheets, dusting, vacuuming, cleaning windows and having them “re-organize” toys. Having their room straight at the beginning of the week helps me feel like I’m not starting the week as a downward spiral of mess. Have your children help you with cleaning their room – age appropriately.

My focus on Tuesday is the kitchen. I clean out the refrigerator and tidy up my pantry. My son loves to mix things around in there. Of course I do dishes as I dirty them but it’s a great time to make sure everything is “in its place”.

Wednesday’s are usually busy for my family. My son has violin lessons, we try to squeeze in a play date and we have church that evening. I usually do a total pick up this day. I dust/vacuum each room and put things back in “their” spot. For example, I found my son’s play ship under our sink cabinet yesterday so I had him come put it back in it’s “home”.

Thursday’s are bathroom day. Oh joy. Not my favorite but is a must! I scrub showers/tubs in both bathrooms, clean toilets, wash our rugs (as needed), clean mirrors, re-stock hand soap and make sure hand-towels are fresh (I change them more frequently than a week – usually every day or every other) Sweep and mop the floors. I don’t know about you but I tend to get hairspray on the walls so I wipe them off too.

Friday’s are my “homestretch” almost the weekend! I focus on getting all my laundry done on this day. I do a load each day but I’ll admit I occasionally accumulate the dreaded mountain. My son enjoys helping me sort out the clothes and says, “mommy clothes” “daddy clothes” “sister clothes” “my clothes”. I giggled the other day when he said “kitchen’s clothes” to the kitchen towels and my apron.

Saturday- WE MADE IT! As a stay home mom, I try my hardest to not do any housework on this day. Occasionally I take advantage of the time my children are playing with Daddy outside and organize our closets or chest of drawers. I do try to be devoted to family time on this day.

Sunday’s are a relaxing day for my family. We attend church service in the morning and come home to prepare a yummy meal (if I didn’t already have it in the crock pot) veg out then relax! My son will usually nap for about 3 hours on Sunday’s so I prepare for the week (of course after enjoying some shut eye myself). I iron clothes, tidy up the house and vacuum every room.

Your schedule can totally be flexible and you can customize one that fits your needs. This schedule has helped me tremendously! At the end of each day, you can look around your house and feel “de-clutterized. Organization is key to success and that’s a lesson that will last your kids a lifetime.

Say No to Clutter
Jessica Fox, Contributor