What are the services included in Pediatric physical therapy?

Written by Jenn/Holly | Mar 2, 2021 2:11:31 PM

Before your child begins physical therapy, it’s only natural to wonder what their experience will be like and what sort of treatments they will be given. Here is a brief explanation of some of our pediatric physical therapy services given when you first visit.

Initial Evaluation With Our Physical Therapist

A physical therapist is trained to perform an initial evaluation to determine a child’s impairments that are keeping them from achieving a gross motor milestone or participating in a certain activity. 

A physical therapist will obtain a medical history of the reported problem, perform any relevant systems reviews, and then select and administer specific tests and measures to obtain data. 

These include:

  • Taking measurements of joint range of motion
  • Assessing muscle tone and strength
  • Guiding your child to complete activities designed to assess them compared to age-matched norms.

Physical Therapist’s Diagnosis

Following the assessment, the physical therapist will use all of the data gathered to make clinical judgments and provide a therapy diagnosis. 

A therapy diagnosis consists of the impairments/weaknesses that are hindering a child from completing their goal. Your child’s strengths will also be identified. 

Examples of physical therapy diagnoses include: 

  • Increased muscle tone
  • Core weakness
  • Poor head control
  • Decreased balance
  • Poor coordination, etc. 

At this point in the evaluation, a physical therapist will recommend whether or not physical therapy services are medically necessary and will prescribe a treatment frequency, such as once or twice weekly visits.

The diagnosis will guide the physical therapist to the most appropriate intervention strategies to address the impairments identified in order to reach the family’s goals for their child. 

Physical Therapy Treatment Sessions

Treatment sessions can take place in a clinic, at home, or in another environment in the community, such as a childcare center. 

Treatment sessions will consist of a physical therapist helping a child complete targeted strengthening, balance, and coordination interventions. This helps and guides them to work towards accomplishing a functional goal, such as sitting or standing independently or being better able to coordinate their hands and fingers.

A physical therapist will also use the time during a treatment session to educate family members and other caregivers on how these pediatric physical therapy exercises can be carried out at home to maximize progress.

Pediatric physical therapists can help prescribe and order adaptive equipment for your children, such as walkers and wheelchairs. A physical therapist is required to submit a letter to insurance in order to justify the need for this equipment.

Is There a Pediatric Physical Therapy Clinic Near Me?

Physical development in infancy couldn’t be more important for proper motor and cognitive development. 

Carolina Peds is here to make that process as convenient as possible. Our occupational and physical therapists are eager to help you get started on your family’s road to recovery.

Contact us any time to book your first appointment.